Past Renter Offers
Welcome back! We're so excited you chose Path Resorts for your recent getaway.
Did you know our resorts are also part of a modern vacation club called Path Vacations? Gone are the days of "fixed week timeshares." We've opted for customizable point based memberships, greater flexibility, year-round amenity usage, access to more units at our local New Hampshire resorts as well as thousands of premier resorts worldwide through our incredible exchange affiliate, and so much more.
We'd love to introduce you to all the perks of membership with our vacation club and invite you to take advantage of one of the heavily discounted introductory offers, exclusive to guests who have previously stayed with us at Path Resorts.
Our vacation club presentations are fun, informative and tailored to your interests, and there is ZERO obligation to make a membership purchase in order to receive these discounts.
We simply love our vacation club and think you will too!